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The Houston Hoedown
Herb Moore

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Herb Moore Herb Moore

Couples, Line Dance

Workshops taught by Herb Moore:

Herb has been a dance enthusiast since birth. He started his teaching career 14 years ago at Charlie's Chicago. Herb leads the dance instructors who teach Country 2-step, Nightclub 2-step and Line Dancing. 8 years ago Herb joined the May I have This Dance Studio Family. Under the tutelage of Nino Digiulio, he started a more intensive study of West Coast Swing, Hustle and other study dances. Herb worked extensively on the techniques involved that make the dance look and feel great.

Herb can always be see with a huge infectious smile lighting up the dance floor. He is very excited to be participation as a staff member at this IAGLCWDC event. Ask him to dance. He is both a lead and a follow.