Photo courtesy of Dave Hayes Mocci, 2001 Sundance Convention, Ft Lauderdale, FL, USA
Flags of Canada, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and The Netherlands
According to Jerri Goldberg, one of the seven
IAGLCWDC's Founding Members,
the original purpose of our organization was "to foster communication and networking".
This resulted in the establishment of an Annual Convention with the purpose of fulfilling
our greater list of purposes as stated in our bylaws:
To promote the culture of and provide education in country western dancing, activities
and music to all persons without regard to age, sex, gender or gender identity, religion,
national or cultural origin, sexual orientation, disability or HIV status.
To provide opportunities to its individual members for education in country western
dancing as well as to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas among the member
To support and encourage the growth of its membership and improve communication
among the member clubs.
To be a non-governing body of individual clubs.
The by-product of all this is that we get to dance and have fun together.
So join in! Get involved! And above all, have fun doing it!
3 Awards
Golden Hoe Award
At IAGLCWDC hoedowns and conventions, we're all about dancing
and fundraising, but just as importantly, we're all about
having fun while we do it.
One of the ways we make sure everyone has a good time is to
give an award "to that individual at an I.A.G.L.C.W.D.C. Convention
who has been outrageous, noticed, and generally", through this person's
actions, made sure that folks "had the best damn time
at the convention".
This award is called The Golden Hoe Award.
A ballot box and special ballots will be placed at the Registration Table
on Saturday evening during the dance and the winner will be announced at the
General Membership Meeting during the traditional Sunday Brunch.
Any registered attendee can vote and ballot stuffing is allowed!
Here is a history of the Golden Hoe Award, written by past Chair Tony Fay:
The 1st Toronto Big City Hoe Award was awarded in 1993.
In 1999 at the Toronto convention was still called the
"Big City Hoe" award as the convention was held at the
same time as our usual hoedown event. In 2000 the Big
City Hoe Award was awarded in Houston by the CC Wranglers
as a continuing tradition as the Big City Hoedown group
had disbanded and we (CC Wranglers) were going to continue
the tradition until such time as there was no longer a
Toronto club. At the meeting in Houston, Allan Blume
proposed that the Big City Hoe award become a permanent
fixture of the IAGLCWDC and that the award be renamed
the "Golden Hoe". Therefore making the 1st official
Golden Hoe to be awarded in Provincetown.
Club Service Award
The Club Service Award was created in 2001 at the annual convention in Fort Lauderdale, to be
award annually to a member club "for extraordinary effort promoting the spirit of the IAGLCWDC and
the gay and lesbian country-western community".
Other criteria are:
Awarded at Annual Convention
Nominees accepted throughout the year, coordinated by the Vice-Chair
Recipient club voted by Executive Board (one club, one vote)
Nominations open to all members of IAGLCWDC, except current office holder
Any individual member of a member club can nominate for the Club Service Award.
Only the DELEGATE from each club may vote.
Service award coordinated by Vice-Chair
Presentation of Award announced at General Membership meeting
Nominations should be
AT LEAST one week prior to The Houston Hoedown so that
the Vice Chair will have time to receive them. If you submit your nomination later than that,
you run the risk of not getting it to the Vice Chair in time.
The Dancing Boots Award aka Individual Service Award was created in 2000 at the annual convention in Houston, to be
award annually to an individual member "for service about and beyond in fostering the spirit of gay and lesbian
country-western dancing and the IAGLCWDC".
Other criteria are:
Awarded at Annual Convention
Nominees accepted throughout the year, coordinated by the Vice-Chair
Recipient voted by Executive Board (one club, one vote)
Nominations open to all members of IAGLCWDC, except current office holder
Any individual member of a member club can nominate for the Dancing Boots Award.
Only the DELEGATE from each club may vote.
Service award coordinated by Vice-Chair
Presentation of Award announced at General Membership meeting
Nominations should be
AT LEAST one week prior to The Houston Hoedown so that
the Vice Chair will have time to receive them. If you submit your nomination later than that,
you run the risk of not getting it to the Vice Chair in time.
The Officers of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Gay/Lesbian Country Western
Dance Clubs are pleased to maintain on record that as of June 22, 2006,
we were and remain officially recognized
by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a Charitable Non-Profit
Corporation under the provisions of Paragraph 501(c)(3)
of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.
In random order: Cullen Ruff ~ Klint Kendrick ~ Claude Godbout ~ Lisa Coopersmith ~ Alan Gaudet ~ Jim Coakley ~ Drusilla Steele ~ Cross The Line Dancing Houston ~ Mark Evans ~ Michael Stevens ~ The LA Wranglers ~ Eiki Yoshikawa ~ Jim Chakeres ~ Scott Roewer ~ Keith Manning ~ Daniel Barutta ~ Curtis Tutt ~ Charlie Monroe ~ Lori Boldman ~ Tony Labella ~ Joan McDonough ~ Kimber Keany ~ Danny Rideout ~ Richard Sheftman ~ Ingu Yun ~ Chad Graber New Mexico Dance Fiesta ~ Terry Chasteen ~ Daniel Craigmile ~ Rob Ollander-Krane ~ Neon Boots Dancehall & Saloon ~ Jose Martinez
23 Clubs Attending
In random order: Rain Country Dance Association ~ Southern Country Charlotte ~ Big Apple Ranch ~ The Rocky Mountain Sway ~ Toronto Wranglers ~ San Diego Coasters ~ Gays for Patsy ~ Southern Line Atlanta ~ Club Bolo Danse Country Montreal ~ Manhattan Mustangs ~ Mavericks ~ The Sundance Association for Country Western Dancing ~ Rainbow Ranglers Dance Club ~ ~ Big Easy Stompers ~ Dance Ranch Palm Springs ~ Dancin' Divas ~ DC Rawhides ~ Second City Country Dance Association ~ Columbus Stompers ~ The LA Wranglers ~ Scandalous ~ The Dairyland Dancers